Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employee Classification

Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employee Classification

Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employee Classification Most business owners find it difficult to distinguish between the exempt and non-exempt employees, and it also causes a great deal of confusion between employers and employees. Whether you are entitled to the overtime...
Government Policies

Government Policies

Most small business owners are well informed about what government policies apply to them, specifically what FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) policies they need to be in accordance with according to their business. However, an increasing number of small businesses have...
Tax-Deductible Expenses: Are You Recording All of Them?

Tax-Deductible Expenses: Are You Recording All of Them?

2017 income tax preparation seems a long way off. Make it easier by tracking all the deductions you can take. You’ve heard it said before: Tax planning should be a year-round process. It’s so true. Your life will be a lot easier early next year when all your tax forms...