Why Savvy Dental Practice Owners ‘Rent’ CFO-Level Experience

Why Savvy Dental Practice Owners ‘Rent’ CFO-Level Experience

A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) serves as the “guidepost” of a company’s financial operations, contributing significantly to its overall success. Beyond the traditional responsibilities of financial management, a seasoned CFO brings a wealth of expertise in...
Answering Your Top 3 Questions About Holiday Bonuses

Answering Your Top 3 Questions About Holiday Bonuses

The end of year is not only a time for celebrations and reconnecting with family, but also a time when practice owners often express appreciation to their dedicated team. There’s no doubt, recognizing the hard work and loyalty of staff members through holiday bonuses...
Dental Practice Tax Tips: 8 Ways to Keep the Tax Authorities Happy

Dental Practice Tax Tips: 8 Ways to Keep the Tax Authorities Happy

When Benjamin Franklin said that the only things certain in life were “death and taxes” most people didn’t consider that they may be closely linked. But problems with taxes can lead to the death of your dental practice unless you take steps to keep the IRS and local...