What Records to Keep in a Personnel File?

What Records to Keep in a Personnel File?

It can be difficult to know what employee records a small business should keep in a personnel file. Should it only hold onto the bare minimum and risk not having enough documentation to protect itself should it need to in the future, or should it keep everything and...
Government Policies

Government Policies

Most small business owners are well informed about what government policies apply to them, specifically what FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) policies they need to be in accordance with according to their business. However, an increasing number of small businesses have...

Taking Your Company Paperless

Going paperless has been the way of the future in business over the past decade. People might have scoffed at the idea a few generations ago, but millennials and those who conduct business with them demand innovative solutions not only for the environment but also to...
Tax-Deductible Expenses: Are You Recording All of Them?

Tax-Deductible Expenses: Are You Recording All of Them?

2017 income tax preparation seems a long way off. Make it easier by tracking all the deductions you can take. You’ve heard it said before: Tax planning should be a year-round process. It’s so true. Your life will be a lot easier early next year when all your tax forms...
How Dental Industries Can Control Cash Flow During Busy Times.

How Dental Industries Can Control Cash Flow During Busy Times.

Cash flow is imperative for the growth of any business or industry. But not all professionals are fully aware of the cash flow impact on the bottom line. That is because the importance of cash flow is much easier to identify in some professions than others. Losing...